OK, C@C isn't until July, and technically it's still May! But for the first time in a year, I stretched Faulkner's legs on Monday. But not before checking all the fluids... Coolant? Check. Oil? Check. P/S fluid? Well, where did it go! At least four ounces to bring it up to the line... Brake fluid? Not really, but I topped it off anyway. And then... Transmission fluid.
On the way home last year, Faulkner seemed... Well, a little balky at times. And when I got home, I saw that the trans fluid was a bit low. Monday I ran it up to temp, let it idle, and checked again - and brought it up to where it needed to be. Would that be all it needed? Road check!
I motored down the West Chester Pike towards 476, and around 25 mph there was a little vibration gremlin that disappeared around 35; I opened it up on 476, and around 70 the same thing - hitting a resonant frequency? I'm wondering if I threw a balance weight on one of the front tires... But there wasn't a sign of balkiness - Faulkner ran like a champ, pushing 80! My old, old friend.
Runnin' fine after a few miles!
Coming home, it seemed like even the gremlins disappeared, but perhaps I'll get the tires balanced anyway. Soon, the Dutch Invasion, this time joined by Will Walker - and we'll get Faulkner and Valerie ready for Carlisle 2023.