This is a posthumous recreation of a webpage first posted for Aivar in 2007, scanned from photographs he supplied to me - so it is obviously dated. Filly appears in many of these photos - then his "sweetheart" girlfriend, she is now his widow... Condolences, Filly.
In 2006, Aivar and his astonishing MoPar collection appeared on "My Classic Car" with Dennis Gage:
Season 10, Episode 18 of My Classic Car. "In this episode of My Classic Car, Dennis Gage travels to the west coast to Duarte Mesa, California to see some finned Mopars that will knock your socks off."
Let's start with Aivar's photos of his spectacular '59 Sport Fury.
Filly at the wheel of Aivar's gorgeous Sport Fury convertiblenothing less than a Golden CommandoI wonder if the Junior was ever refinished
Thanks to Aaron Kahlenberg for this update...
"Aivar was a nice man with some beautiful cars. To answer the question on the webpage, yes, the Fury Junior was restored."
These are some comments that were posted on Aivar's initial webpage, no longer extant.
Ina Aivar wrote:8/20/2008 08:49
Pretty neat, Pops! I love that you have the classic car video clip included and photos of some of the other "girls" in your harem! Rumble on!!!
B. Pierce wrote:8/30/2008 23:19
I love your car. The 1959 Plymouth convertible is one of my favorite cars - I have a 1959 Plymouth Belvedere convertible, I hope to find the parts and the money to restore one day. Beautiful car!
Steve Storey wrote:1/1/2009 06:32
Wonderful car collection Aivar! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Aivar wrote:1/8/2009 23:38
Many thanks for your interest and response Steve!
Mopar to ya!
(Steve Storey, fellow 1959 Plymouth owner (Sport Fury convertible), has since passed on.)
Dillon Adams wrote:2/20/2009 23:36
Hello Aivar, this is Dillon, you are a truely blessed man. These pictures are great, and I am very glad to have been able to have met you. It seems like only yesterday when I saw some of your cars in person! You have a truly rare and beautiful collection! Be safe and stay strong!
Aivar wrote:3/3/2009 22:45
Greetings Dillon! Thank you for your kind words!
I enjoyed meeting you also and you are always wecome back. I showed my sweetheart your foto and told her about you and we both agreed that you are a very fine example of American youth.
Warmest regards,
Dave Atwood wrote:3/12/2012 15:33
I had the privilege of owning an identical care back in the late 60's. It didn't look nearly as good then as your restoration does now, but I treasure the memories. Your car isn't just similar, it is identical. It really blew me away when I saw the photos. Thanks for posting them and keep enjoying that car!
In November of 2009, Aivar sent me some pictures of his 1958 Regal Lancer from a car show he attended with Filly 0n 9/27/2009. I don't know what the venue was, and I never posted these pictures. Perhaps they appear elsewhere, but here for the first time.