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Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:18 pm
by Dick Koch
Dan - How old is that NOS unit, diaphrams will become brittle with age.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 8:09 pm
by Faulkner
Hmmm... Good point, Dick. I can't even find out if it was a refurbished unit I bought, it no longer appears in my eBay history.

I remembered that John Quinn had once posted a "how to" on repairing these, and I found it - here's the link. I feel scope creep coming on...


Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:43 pm
by Faulkner
Every day, I've been checking my bank account online, for an indication that Gary Goers cashed my check, in the expectation that I might receive some parts from him that I ordered. Then tonight, this:


What did he send? What did I ask for, that he did not have? Stay tuned...

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:35 am
by Faulkner
I had ordered some floor mats from Gary - but, unless they are coming separately, this suggests I am not going to get them... I see them on eBay, but not in black.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 2:21 pm
by Dick Koch
Dan - l ordered floor mats from ebay, they are molded and do not lay as flat as they should, especially in the rear, Next time l will get my upholsterer to make and install them. Get a price, it's not that much more.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:18 pm
by Faulkner
Were you talking about these, Dick? It's hard to see why they wouldn't lay flat, especially in the back. I'm looking for rubber ones, wouldn't anything from an upholsterer be carpet? Unfortunately, these don't come in black, although I keep asking Mopar Direct...


Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:23 pm
by Faulkner
I'm wistful... I received my last order from Gary yesterday. He sent me everything I asked for, except for floor mats - and this nice note.

What will MoPar folk do without him?

The end of an era.

Nifty waterproof heater board back
Parts, parts, parts...

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:59 pm
by Dick Koch
No dan, l have a set of those green mats for greenie, l'm talking about regular cut pile floor mats you can get on ebay, they are moulded and have jute matting glued on the bottom side. My upholstery guy rips off the jute but the moulding is difficult to remove and leaves creaces, especially in the rear. The floors in our cars are flat and should have cut and sewed mats. Any good upholsterer can make them.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:57 pm
by william0431
Dan, always love seeing your progress. Glad Gary was able to fill your order, and that he is doing better. You have probably seen them but I believe these floor mats are listed on Andy Bernbaum's under the accessory category, front and back sets for $195. looks like they carry the black ones. I love those green ones! Might have to order a set form my self :D

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 6:41 pm
by Dick Koch
Dan - Make sore the mats are CUT PILE and not loop.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 8:18 pm
by Faulkner
Dick, don't you like Greenie's mats? I like the idea of being able to lift rubber mats out and hose 'em down. I think they look more "period", too.

I'm conflicted...

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:23 pm
by Dick Koch
I love Greenies green RUBBER MATS, l only use them at special car shows on top of her green cut pile carpeted floors. For regular driving and weekly car shows l have clear vinyl mats on top of the carpet. By the way the green rubber mats soil and stain very easily, that's why l don't use them for driving, only display.

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:51 pm
by Faulkner
Yeah, I have cheapo Pep Boys rubber mats - I'll use those for driving around, but use Ma MoPar for show. Works!

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 1:53 pm
by Faulkner
Instead of that Snowbird Clipper coming up out of the south from the vicinity of Palm Beach Gardens, we got an Arctic Blast. No point in firing up the propane tank, it won't take the edge off this one. (At least I'm not shoveling, like they are like crazy in Erie. How ya doin', Mark?)

So I spent some time in the basement instead, reviewing my inventory of parts, including my stash from Gary Goers. Here's that horn rim, Art - lots of warts, but salvageable:

Intact, but...

Dick Koch wrote: Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:18 pm Dan - How old is that NOS unit, diaphragms will become brittle with age.
OMG, you were spot on, Dick. Look at this:

that rubber grommet is looking pretty sad...

John Fowlie, you rebuild these, correct? I guess this one is coming your way.

I forgot I bought this set of seat belts! Think I can spray them black? Perhaps a job for an upholsterer
I fished a little Jiffy bag clip out of the radiator shroud - it matches one I had bought, along with the large one. The middle clip is a Dick Koch reproduction
This Jiffy bag isn't perfect, but should clean up well enough
Somewhere along the line I picked up this 60-61 (I have the cap and filter too, for both bags). Know someone who needs one?
Yup, my replacement headlight switch has that extra yellow wire too!
These are neat - kickpad retainers. Faulkner didn't have them
Among my stash of Goers parts are these clips. I haven't a clue what they are for. Does anyone recognize them? Wait! Are they windlace clips?
"382156-S" - Google says they are valve cover grommets. Do the bolts go through these with washers? I told you it's too k-k-k-kold in the garage, I'm not goin' out there! If so, I guess I'm missing one

Re: Faulkner gets a Redo

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 3:12 pm
by Faulkner
More stash.

Omigawd, did I buy this firewall pad?!
I guess this backing board is somehow related to the firewall pad...
...but I don't know. I guess I won't, until I go to install it
Gary was out of mesh wirelace, so I bought this vinyl covered stuff. I've since bought black mesh from SMS - anyone looking for windlace?
A boatload of heater parts, accumulated over the years - just in case. Not sure of the condition of the parts in Faulkner, except to say that the heat lever is frozen.

Anyone know of a good substitute for the vent hoses?